Automatic Responder Secrets


Use an automatic responder to automate your business. Use
an unblockable popup or a form on your website to capture
your visitor's name an email address. Alternatively you can
also use a squeeze page with a free e-book as a gift to
subscribe. This will allow you to use an automatic
responder preloaded with your messages to sell to them over
and over again reducing your manual intervention in the
process and freeing up your time for things like creation
of new products and internet marketing.

Redirect your subscriber to a one time offer or the sales
page of a product that you promote when they subscribe to
your free offer. This allows you to start earning
immediately off a subscriber.

Build a relationship of trust with your customers through
your automatic responder. Violate this and lose the trust
of your subscriber. Send useful information targeted to
your niche and avoid sending unrelated offers. Send gift
emails through your automatic responder where you send your
list a free gift that they will appreciate.

To get your subscriber to actually open your email sent
through your automatic responder with the amount of email
that a person receives, spam or genuine they will need a
good reason to open up your email. Craft your email based
on the following formula. First you need to create
sufficient interest for them to open up your email. An
attention grabbing headline will ensure they open up your
email. Next you need to demonstrate a problem. Then
demonstrate your product as the solution to their problem.
Next you need to get them to take action with a time
sensitive offer.

Make sure that you choose a reliable automatic responder
like Getresponse or Aweber. This will ensure that your list
of subscribers never gets lost and your emails will pass
through the spam filters.

Mark Abrahams is an internet marketing veteran. Download his free ebook Secrets Of Internet Marketing here.

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